Mr. McElravy has a well-established reputation in the Geospatial Industry in Canada. Over the past 50 years Mr. McElravy has worked on a broad range of projects, and held senior positions in industry, post-secondary education, and government. His professional experience is diverse, including CAD, GIS ,BIM, and GPS/LBS/Sensors. He has focused heavily on assisting organizations in North America with disseminating their Geospatial asset data, and now their 'BIG Geospatial' asset data within their corporate data enterprise, and beyond.
An ardent advocate of ‘Open Data’ he works with and supports organizations developing Open GIS, BIM/CIM standards that are necessary for the development of SMART Infrastructure and Cities.
Few people in the Geospatial Industry have acquired the breath and depth of working experience in the these diverse fields.
Recent technology developments in the geospatial industry pertaining to 3D Visualization, Collaboration, and ‘Intelligent Infrastructure Modelling’ - which supports ‘Open Data’ sharing principles, provide a much richer data content, broader range of available features and tools, and more 'intelligent’ data structure environment than that which exists in the traditional GIS Corporate Enterprise. This broader geospatial footprint 'BIG Geospatial' focuses on CAD/GIS/BIM open data served up in a homogeneous 2D/3D data collaborative visualization environment; displaying data from varied and diverse sources, and provides a basis for managing that data in support of infrastructure sustainability and asset management.
Public Infrastructure forms the foundation on which our communities are built. The role public infrastructure plays in the daily lives, and the economy of Canadians is immense. This fact, coupled with the questionable state of large segments of Canadian Public Infrastructure, requires all levels of government and industry to collaborate and effectively address the issue of managing and maintaining infrastructure data adequately to achieve infrastructure sustainability goals of lifecycle management and associated cost savings.
To do this, organizations need to structure existing geospatial data enterprises to accomodate BIM/CIM 'intelligent modelling' of infrastructure data, and adopt open standards and infrastructure sustainability workflows that support the 'visual integration' of CAD/GIS/BIM data.
We provide expertise and assistance in helping organizations structure their existing geospatial data enterprise to accomodate the 'visual integration' of CAD/GIS/BIM data.
Our experience comes from years of working with CAD/GIS/BIM and GPS/LBS/Sensor data; while respecting the source and technology that created the data, but recognizing that data must be accessible from anywhere, in any format, and presented in an open standard collaborative homogeneous data view.
Smart Cities depend on accurate information of existing infrastructure, and information regarding moving objects (e.g., assets, people, vehicles etc.) being processed in real-time.
Images Credit: Can Stock Photo Inc.
www.mcelravyassociates.ca / info@mcelravyassociates.ca
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